Group of related species – generally a group of plants with similar structure and that, probably, evolved from a common ancestor. The name of the genus always begins with an uppercase letter. For example: all ivies belong to the genus “Hedera”; logical division of living beings and that groups forms of life with similar characteristics that are different from other groups; genus is a group species, family a group of genera. (See also Species, Family).
Received the name of the naturalist Traugott Gerber.
The first developmental stage of a seed within a plant. The visible sign of germination is the appearance of a plantule or seedling. Germination can be fast (4 to 6 days) or slow (several weeks or even months). It is a delicate stage, for the seed is no longer protected by the seed coat and strong roots and leaves have not yet developed.
Also known as Sword Lily, because of its sword shape.
Gloriosa lily
Plant inserted into another by grafting, the grafting operation or its result
Vegetative propagation technique that consists of inserting part of a plant, usually a branch or stem, into the organism of another, that will then nourish it.
Ground layering
Vegetative production technique that consists in guiding a branch into the soil and partly burying it, except or including the tip, to induce the formation of roots from points of the stalk where incisions are made; after forming roots the branch is separated from the mother-plant and can be planted as an independent plant.
Small forest, with few trees, usually small trees or tall bushes.
Aerial root: Roots derived from nodes. These roots are usually used by vines to climb, but also absorb humidity from the air. Many only develop properly if they manage to attach to a medium adequate to grow roots, like sphagnum. The philodendron and monstera are plants that present aerial roots.